Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Homoeopathy Acts Faster in Emergency Also

I had worked in U.P. Govt for last 37 years, as Medical officer (Homoeo) and after promotion as District Homoeo.
 Medical Officer ( Class I district level officer. During last years, I had treated approx. 15 million patients. Since 1974 I was interested in taking up serious cases and treat them in short timing unlike the old belief that Homoeopathy takes long time for treatment.

Actually, Homoeopathy takes long time for such cases of long standing or chronic type or such cases which are incurable by other systems of medicine.  In acute or emergency cases like Dehydration, Gastritis, Cholera etc, it takes not more then 60 minutes. Since mostly Homoeo. Doctors Don't take up such cases.

Mostly people know about its slow action, too many restrictions and best effects on children only. Nowadays this is not true, because patients suffering from Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Cholera or bleeding like emergencies are relieved within an hour or so and the patient is all right without any weakness or dizziness afterwards. Sometimes it acts more faster than any other medicine. People are not aware of this fact because mostly Homoeopathic doctors do not take up such cases and they refer to hospitals.

Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever (breakbone fever) is a serious virus disease, which is transmitted by the bites of Aedes Albopictus Mosquito, only in daytime. It is of 2 types - 1. Dengue fever and 2. Dengue Haemorrhagic fever(DHF) or severe Dengue--where in later stage, bleeding may occur from nose/mouth/anus or under skin showing blue or red spots over skin and may lead to death, If not treated properly, This mosquito breeds in stagnant water storage near residential areas. It's main symptoms in children - measles like red eruptions with high fever, in adults chills, severe pain in eys, hebad and body with difficulty in respiration, loss of appetite and nausea/vomiting with fever.

According to WHO -  there is no specific medicine or vaccine for dengue but there are some very effective Homoeopathic medicines to be taken under supervision of Homoeopathic Physician , even when the platelets are down. Homoeopathic preventive medicine  for dengue is Eupatorium perf 200.

Precautions To Prevent Dengue -

  1. Wear full sleeve clothes to prevent mosquito bite.
  2. Cleanliness at home and surroundings, regular hand wash with soap.and water.
  3. Avoid storage of stagnant water in tyres, coolers, flower vase, near plants etc.
  4. Regular cleaning of drains and animal drinking containers to avoid water accumulation.
  5. Use mosquito net or repellents at night.

Some General Health Tips - we can check the onset of disease by

  1. Regular washing hand with soap with water, especially before meals.
  2. Avoid extreme of temperature i.e sunstroke or cold wave by wearing suitable cloths. Apply moisturiser over body during winter to make skin moist, to prevent skin from dryness or skin disease.
  3. Avoid shaking hands or contacts with infectious patients.
  4. Cover your mouth, nose while sneezing or coughing.
  5. Taking healthy foods and warm things, drinks especially in winters. 

For cold Weather

The cold weather has now arrived. Most people or children will suffer from cough, cold, sore throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis, running nose and flue etc. during these days. Some Homoeopathic medicines are most useful in such conditions.

  1. Allium Cepa - for running nose and excess sneezing with red nostrils.
  2. Belladonna - it has high fever, headache, cold, red eyes and face,worse from cold air.
  3. Bryonia - It has great dryness especially of mouth, nose, throat with excessive thirst, Painfull dry cough and constipation.
  4. Pulsatilla - Stuffy nose and heaviness of head.Mouth and throad dry but no thirst, expectoration greenish or yellowish .General condition is worse at night.
  5. Influenzinum - Mostly used for patients having history of frequent attacks of cough cold or chronic coryza especially at change of seasons.
    It is advisable to take medicines under supervision of Homoeopathic Physician.